Friday, April 23, 2010

Road Trip

Last weekend we took off for Enumclaw for a memorial service for Colin's uncle.  Although it was a sad event, it was great to see family on both sides.

First we saw Colin's grandma Bette, which would be Aberly's Great Grandma.

And since we haven't been to Corvallis lately, it was our first chance to see Uncle Kevin and Uncle Connor in awhile.

Finally, Great Aunt Nora, Great Uncle George, and Great Aunt Winnie (from Kelsey's side) met up with us at Applebees.

It was a long trip, but overall, Aberly did very well.  She definitely got tired of being in her carseat but she made it without too much fussing.  GeeGee Nancy kept her entertained at much at possible!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's amazing how much Aberly has grown and changed in the last few months.  Once a fussy baby, she is blossoming into a fun and exciting little girl.  Okay, she's still fussy at times, especially when she's tired, but overall, she's much better!

Aberly turned 5 months this past Saturday (by weeks).  She is over 14 and a half pounds now and about 24 inches tall.  Her personality shines through every day.  She is vocal, energetic, and passionate about life.  She lets us know when she is happy, sad, and mad!  Discovering her voice, Aberly spends much of the day "shrieking", babbling, cooing, moaning, and grunting.  She has recently discovered grabbing her feet but they haven't made it into her mouth yet.  Her new trick is trying to roll from her back to her stomach.  No success yet but it's fun to watch her try!  

She is finally getting into her toys and loves stuffing any part of her nuk, soft toys, and fingers into her mouth.  We recently got her an exersaucer/entertainer and she seems to enjoy most of the toys on that.  

She still loves the front pack and riding around on us.  But, my favorite part of the day is getting her up in the morning or from a nap.  When you come in to get her, Aberly smiles so big at you, you'd think she had heard you were dead and now here you are actually alive!  

Recently we started her on solids.  She is doing pretty well with the squash and sweet potatoes, but she does not like rice cereal at all.  GeeGee Nancy can attest to that!  Even when we try to hide a little bit in the veggies, she knows and doesn't eat as well.  Our next veggie will be carrots and I'm trying a little banana some mornings.  Most of the food does get in her mouth and tummy, but of course, some of it surrounds her mouth/cheeks/nose and all down her bib.  Her nightly bath has become necessary to make sure we clean out any food debris under her chubby chin!  

The past month has been fun as we got to dress her up for Easter, spend time with Grandparents, see uncles, and Colin and I got to enjoy a little get away to the beach while my parents watched her overnight.  We are also very lucky to have Colin's parents in town for their help here!  GeeGee Nancy is a frequent babysitter and did a slumber party with Aberly at her house this past Friday so we could have a date night.  Aberly had fun and was super comfortable there because she slept the whole night through, which she has yet to do for us!

All in all, we are truly blessed to have such a happy and healthy daughter and she has brought so much joy to our lives!

Sunday, April 4, 2010