Somehow, I thought I had already posted about this. I checked our blog just now to find out I hadn't! I forgot I had only posted about the upcoming events, not the actual event itself!
Wednesday night, the school held their annual Fall Festival, which is really a Halloween party. They put a lot of work into it. Both small gyms are full of game booths for kids to play and win prizes. There are more games, food booths, a mini-theater, and toys outside. Kids, parents, and teachers are all there in costume. It's great. The highlight is the trick-or-treating that weaves through the downstairs of the school, with stops at numerous classroom doors, where teachers in all out costume wait with BIG bowls of candy. Oh, and to get to the trick-or-treating, you first walk through a small hallway of students posed in costume as a "wax museum". They did awesome.
When I first got there with Aberly, she was overwhelmed and did not want down. There were, granted, HUNDREDS of kids and adults dressed up like crazies. After stopping at two candy bowls for trick-or-treating, she wanted down and that was it. Then she found friends. Then we played some games. Then we went outside and she ended up at a play pool.
Here are the pictures.

Wednesday night, the school held their annual Fall Festival, which is really a Halloween party. They put a lot of work into it. Both small gyms are full of game booths for kids to play and win prizes. There are more games, food booths, a mini-theater, and toys outside. Kids, parents, and teachers are all there in costume. It's great. The highlight is the trick-or-treating that weaves through the downstairs of the school, with stops at numerous classroom doors, where teachers in all out costume wait with BIG bowls of candy. Oh, and to get to the trick-or-treating, you first walk through a small hallway of students posed in costume as a "wax museum". They did awesome.
When I first got there with Aberly, she was overwhelmed and did not want down. There were, granted, HUNDREDS of kids and adults dressed up like crazies. After stopping at two candy bowls for trick-or-treating, she wanted down and that was it. Then she found friends. Then we played some games. Then we went outside and she ended up at a play pool.
Here are the pictures.