Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day from Oman

A very Happy Valentine's Day from these two sweeties!  It may have taken 6 attempts to get this shot, but I did.  Both the girls were in great moods on Valentine's Day morning and Aberly was especially excited to get dressed in pink and red to celebrate the day.  

To start the day, I made us red pancakes. They were actually supposed to be pink, but I was not very careful when I poured the dye into the batter and the color matched Aberly's shirt!  Of course she loved it and they tasted wonderful.  We added pomegranate seeds on the side and used strawberry syrup as topping.  I can't say this is the most attractive picture of the cook.... I spent so much time getting the girls ready and in their Valentine's wear that I didn't take any time for myself by the time I was getting pestered for breakfast by rumbly tummies.  The life of a mom.
Good pancakes mommy! 

The next stop on our Valentine's Day morning was their gifts.  Since we are trying not to overload our children with sugar, I decided to forgo the classic chocolate filled heart box and got them each a few fun things.  Of course, wouldn't you know it, Aberly decided to test our "love" that morning and melted in to tears when she was told her bag was the one on the right.  "But I want the BIG bag!".  I caught this picture right as her face began to fall.  No matter our attempts to ease the situation, she melted down more and more until she was sent to the living room to cry "until she was ready and not fussy anymore".  We listened to about 5 minutes of bawling as she huddled in a ball on the couch. 
After Aberly finally calmed down and got a little "talking to", the girls opened said gifts.
 Aberly was a good helper and showed Emalyn her new sprinkler.
She then opened her own gift and was thrilled with a new "fancy" pair of pink sandals and some rockin' jewelry.

After a failed attempt to go ice skating for our fun family Valentine's adventure (they just decided to be not open that day EVEN THOUGH their hours were posted as open online and on the door), we took the girls to a nearby park for some fun in the sun.

Aberly climbed all over the structures while Emalyn played in the grass with us.  She loves giving us this funny face all the time.  Colin did it first to get her going.  Haha!

And what our us parents, you ask?  Don't worry, we did get away that evening for a lovely date at Duke's English bar overlooking the beach.  We had a nice pub-style dinner with drinks, and cherished having kid-free time to talk and stare lovingly into each others' eyes.  

We hope you had a wonderful and love-filled Valentine's Day too!