Aberly had a FANTASTIC first year of school and we were so thankful for her having such a wonderful teacher and two aides.
Aberly grew so much during this past year, both physically and emotionally/mentally. It's been a joy to watch her grow and change in front of her eyes. I really noticed her physical growth when she could reach our neighbor's doorbell last week. She was a good 4-5 inches away from it at the beginning of the year!
Here are a few snaps of Aberly on her last day of school for EC1.
Aberly's teacher was also so wonderful to give us electronic copies of all the photos from Aberly in class this year. Here are some highlights from her year.
Aberly grew so much during this past year, both physically and emotionally/mentally. It's been a joy to watch her grow and change in front of her eyes. I really noticed her physical growth when she could reach our neighbor's doorbell last week. She was a good 4-5 inches away from it at the beginning of the year!
Here are a few snaps of Aberly on her last day of school for EC1.
On her way in
Hugs with her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Carla
Classroom besties, Lizzie and Lara
Proud Mama
Teacher, teacher, what do you see?
Reading to classmates
Aberly loved giving and getting rides on the bike.
Make believe worlds
I had forgotten how much Aberly dressed herself up for her birthday at school!
Sand fun
Aberly LOVES painting and brought us home many lovely ones.
Teddy Bear picnic
Always loves a crown!
Table projects
Imagining ice skating
Traditional Omani dress
Aberly and Lara exploring
Field trip to a local indoor jungle
Presenting about herself as a baby
Messy fun!
Celebrating Omani Day at school.
What a wonderful year!