It isn't until you have a baby that you find out poop is very important. Like, how many times has she gone each day, what color is it, etc... Poop became especially important for Aberly because she didn't feed very well the 2nd/3r day of life (latching issues) and so we've had to keep track of when she started pooping, peeing, and feeding to share with our lactation consultant at tomorrow's appointment. Can't say it's been fun to track all that this week but we can say that Aberly is definitely on track now. She's had 4 poops today and is eating great.
Besides poop, Aberly is a great baby. She's overall very mellow and only cries when she's hungry or has a dirty diaper. Once fed, changed, and dressed, she's ready to go and low key. She's becoming more aware of the world around her and likes to spend time looking at whatever she can when awake and alert. Sleeping is not a problem for her and she is on a pretty regular schedule already. Feed, nap, be alert, feed, nap, etc...
Right now, Aberly is sitting on dad's lap and watching/listening to mom type this post. She's also giving us an ever entertaining round of facial expressions, sneezes, and grunts.
Grammy S says, "Sigh !!"