After cutting my dairy for almost two weeks, we didn't see much change in Aberly. I decided to start introducing small amounts back into my diet. Some cookies with butter, cheese dip, etc... and after two days, no effect on Aberly.
Overall, she is improving. Although still a fuss budget, she is having more "fun" and "happy" time. She is quite the smiler and coos at us. We also are learning what helps to sooth her and are getting better at calming her when she gets fussy. Sometimes nothing works so I resort to giving her a comfort feeding.
Our new adventure is getting her to nap. Unless she's in the car, she won't really nap for more than 20 minute catnaps. We know she is tired because we can get her to fall into the catnaps when holding her. Tomorrow we are thinking of just putting her down at noon or 1, and letting her cry to sleep to see what happens. Being 6 weeks, we think she's old enough to try this.
Here is our princess.
She is perfect, fussy or not ! : )