Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good news!

It looks like I have a job!  I was referred for a part-time office job at a family-owned financial firm here in Bend by a former teacher's husband (who works there).  I met with the office manager today and as long as the boss confirms everything next week when he's back, I'll be good to go!  It's a great fit for us schedule wise.  I'll work 1-5 daily and they are super flexible if I need to change my hours one day or Aberly is sick and I can't make it in.

Besides that good news, Aberly is much happier today.  I think I've figured out the cause of her super grumpiness.  The last two days I've give her a little bit of Activia yogurt to help get good bacteria back into her system after the tummy issues the past month.  After a little research online, I found out that Activia can work the opposite in some babies/kids under 3 and disrupt their systems.  Good to know!

1 comment:

  1. See mommy, there's usually a reason for my grumpiness ! : ) Yahoo for good job news !
