Saturday, January 28, 2012

Well read

I've decided that I need to become a much more voracious reader.  My 10 reasons:

1.  So I can add more educated words like voracious to my vocabulary.

2.  I now work in a library.  A librarian who doesn't read is simply a con-artist and I am no such thing.  Plus, I have found that I have new and exciting books at my fingertips daily as I shelve returned and new books.  And I get to see them as I go through the shelves.  My "to-read" list is ever growing.  I've decided I need to carry a small notebook in my pocket each day at work so I can actually make a physical list.  No need to go to a bookstore.

3.  My husband is a serious reader and we'd like Aberly to be a lover of books.  Having your mom not modeling that is confusig.

4.  I have discovered Bill Bryson and he is damn funny.  And he has like, 8 books, so I need to get reading.

5.  The image I have of myself curled up with a good book, tea by my side, blanket over my lap, in a chair by a lamp, is much more appealing than one of myself glowing in the light of my computer screen, zoned out.

6.  Book club.  Being in a book club for the last four years, three back home and now here, has opened me to the what exists in the world of books.  I was stuck in Babysitters club my elementary life, the boring world of assigned books in middle and highschool, text books in college, comic books for a long time in general, and then murder mysteries post-college. 

7.  I have many more friends now that are readers and always talking about books and I feel left out.

8.  You can learn a whole lot about life and the world. 

9.  Challenging what you think you know is good.

10.  Finally, Goodreads.  If you haven't heard of Goodreads or joined Goodreads, it's a website where you list and review (with stars and/or comments) all the books you have ever read in life.  That is also assuming you can remember them all.  I am finding myself hooked on having a high, high number of books, and I spend hours (split among days) adding more to my list.  Colin has been helping me because he has such a great memory and can remind me of books he knows I've read since we've been together.  At this point, I am not ashamed that half my list is from The Babysitters Club, The Berenstein Bears, Magic Schoolbus, and many other kid books.  I want to prove that I read!  And I do have many pieces of literature and "good" books to show that I am well-read.  If you decide to join Goodreads, request me to be your friend on goodreads so we can share and compare books.  And then you can see proof that I am reader and becoming more well read.  :-)  I wonder if I can find college textbooks....

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you, and you have worded the above so eloquently! I would totally agree. My life has been so expanded over the years by books, and these days I like the ones best that I might not normally read, that challenge my thinking. And so glad you found Bill Bryson - I belly laughed my way through every one of his books!!!
