Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine's Day

I have to say, living abroad this Valentine's Day was pretty nice.  As much as I miss the spirit of the season and all the festivities for Christmas back home, avoiding all the hub-bub and pressure of Valentine's Day was awesome.  America's commercial frenzy around Valentine's Day has turned this holiday into a disappointment-filled, sad, unloving day for many, and a day when so many men (mostly) fail because of the expectations they can't often fulfill.  It's become a dreaded day for many because it's all about having a significant other instead of just sharing love with everyone in your life.

But here, the day came and went barely noticed.  Some of the stores catered to the West and sold Valentine's candy, cards, and such, but it was a very small aisle-end display.  The school had some small crafts and events in class for the kids, and roses could be bought and distributed like most high schools do each year, but that was it.  No TV ads, no huge store promotions, no newspaper and magazine ads, etc..  The pressure was so off!  It was great.

Colin and I did exchange cards and a small gift, but nothing was really expected from either of us, so the small gestures were appreciated.  We dressed up Aberly in pink for the day and made a few small Valentine's for her playgroup friends, and I also emailed out some pictures to family and friends back home wishing them a great day.  It was overall, simple and sweet.

Happy Valentine's Day late!

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