Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer whirlwind

Our summer in Oregon has been a whirlwind so far.  It's been wonderful but tiring!  We hit the ground running and don't feel like we've gotten to slow down since despite our efforts to do so.  Each day offers a new thing to do, another friend/family to see, or a chore we need to take care of.  We are doing our best to take big breaths and enjoy it all.  And we are, for the most part.  Today was one of those days I wanted to just sit and veg in front of the TV.  The "to-do" list felt overwhelming.  Colin hit that yesterday.

But again, we are having a great time and those moments just come occasionally.

Here is a brief list of our fun summer events since arriving home.

-  Staying for a few days in Corvallis with my family to help get over jetlag.  Aberly playing with Nana and Papa, relaxing, and helping pick strawberries at Twedt's (a Schwartz family tradition).

-  Going up to Pendleton for a family friend's wedding.  My 31st birthday falls on the same day as the wedding, so it was a bit overshadowed, but still celebrated low-key.  We have a great time up at the wedding which was held at a camp cabin in the mountains. 

-  A trip to Wallowa Lake with Colin's mom and brothers.  The beauty of the area took our breath away and we enjoyed three fabulous days relaxing, playing, shopping in Joseph, and more relaxing.

-  Come back to Bend to stay until the end of July!  So far we've seen many friends, celebrated the 4th of July (I admittedly fell asleep on the couch at 9:00 and missed the fireworks show), had dental and eye check ups, Aberly had vaccinations and well-child exam (perfect health and growth!),  gone to beer tasting events, eaten at favorite restaurants, worked in our yard, gone through boxes and moved more belongings to storage, and so on and so on!

-  A family trip up to Seattle to attend one of Colin's childhood friend's wedding.  We stayed with my Aunt Beatha and had a fun day at the zoo before heading back to Bend.  We were blessed with sunny, warm weather.  A rare thing in Seattle!  We also stopped near Enumclaw on the way up to visit some of my relatives for dinner.

Whew....  a lot but really, it has been great times!  It may wear us out some more, but we look forward to the rest of our summer adventures ahead!

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