Monday, February 18, 2013

Being a Cubbie! - by Aberly

Last month, my mommy enrolled me in Awanas since they were starting up a new 3-4 year old group called Cubbies.  She thought it would be a good way for me to be with a group and have some practice for pre-school next year.  I think it's a great way to have fun with friends and play!

After working REALLY hard and learning 3 Bible verses (shortened for us cause we are so young), I earned my very own Cubbies vest, book, and bag.  Here I am ready to go!  I wait and put my vest on at Awanas so it doesn't get dirty.

When I first get to Awanas, I grab a snack and sit down with the other kids to watch a Veggie Tales while everyone else shows up.  A lot of kids come from the school where my mommy and daddy work.  I love snack time cause they always have Nacho Doritos and Capri Suns!  Mom isn't thrilled by their choice of snack but she lets me enjoy my junky foods once a week.

Two of my friends come to Awanas too.  Jason and Marin.  They are in the Sparks group but I like to see them before we split up. 

The first thing we do when Awanas starts is stand in our groups with our leader.  The flags are presented and we say our pledges.  I am still learning which side to put my hand and learn the words.  Then we sing the Awanas song before going to our groups.  Here I am with my leader Mrs. Liz and one of my friends, Ana Graciella.

Usually there are 5 -8 of us in our Cubbies group.  Here we are listening to Mrs. Liz talk about the Bible verse we memorized for the week.  I remembered mine!  I told her and she gave me a big high five!  I got a sticker for my book.  After we learn 4 verses, we get patches for our vest!  I have one patch so far.

One of my favorite parts of Awanas is when we get to go play a game.  Today we played chase and the hula hoops were the Islands where we were safe from the shark.  I loved running and chasing the most and didn't go to my hula hoop very much.

After games, we have a small snack, listen to a Bible story from Mrs. Liz, and do an craft.  Sometimes we also sing our special Cubbies song.  I almost know it by heart!  Me and mommy practice it in the car sometimes cause they gave me my own CD with the song.

The very end of Awanas time is where all the groups come together in the sanctuary and awards are given out to kids who earned special things, like patches, jewels, or charms.   We clap for them and then we say a prayer before going.  There are leaders and kids in Awanas from all over the world, so I hear a lot of different accents all the time.  My mom thinks that's really cool cause I can learn to understand a lot of different ways of speaking English.

So, that is what I do at Awanas.  I love being a Cubbie and can't wait to earn more badges and learn about Jesus and other stories from the Bible!  And I like being with my new friends too!

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