Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas is coming?

A question because 75 degree weather just doesn't scream Christmas to someone who is used to 40 degree weather ushering in the holidays.  And the endless sunshine doesn't help.  I've done my best to get in the spirit.  I've had my Bath and Body Works Christmas candles burning and I turn on the Christmas music on the computer most days.  I'm starting to feel it.

The big stores are also getting in the spirit and although the displays are full of mostly cheesy, plastic decor, they are Christmas displays and offer a small piece of holiday cheer.  Last week I decided to treat Aberly and bought her two decorative stars.  They were cheap and she loves stars.  After seeing friends decorating their homes and putting up their fake trees, we decided we should do the same.  At least the tree.  It's mostly for Aberly and we want to give her those memories as she grows up these next few years overseas.  I don't need my adult daughter in therapy one day pinpointing all her inner emotional turmoil to the fact that we never provided Christmas to her in the Middle East.

So off we went on Thursday (like Saturday in the US) to 'pick out' our Christmas tree.  We hit up Sultan Center which is like Fred Meyers.  Better than Wal-Mart quality but still affordable.  We headed up the escalators into the winter display to find the perfect tree.  They all ended up looking exactly the same, just different sizes.  We decided to go with the lovely 6 foot tree and got a few boxes of cheap ornaments, lights, and a tree topper.  Home we came ready to decorate!  Here is a lovely visual of our day trying to keep it as "normal to home" as possible....

 Arriving home with our tree.
 Bringing the tree in the house.  Choosing the perfect spot in the corner for it.
 Trimming the tree.
 Getting the lights on.
 Aberly helping to put on the first ornaments.
 Aberly helping to vacuum up all those pesky needles that fall off.  Notice she took off her diaper for this.  This has become part of her potty training.  Her choice not ours.  She pretty much runs around our house naked all day and can plop down on the pot when she needs to!
The tree all finished and lit up.  Aberly, of course, loves having the lights on flash mode. 

In addition to the tree, to get in the holiday spirit, Aberly and I attended the Muscat Singers Christmas concert on Friday.  Some of our friends sing in the choir and it was fun to hear them sing.  Aberly actually enjoyed it as well.  She likes to sing "Jingle Bells" and makes sure to say "hey" with gusto.  We also bought her a small handmade stocking made by a local Indian group to raise money.

So now we are pretty ready for Christmas.  Ho, ho, ho! 


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