Sunday, December 4, 2011

Potty Time

As parents, you wish and hope for the day that your child is out of diapers and does their business in the potty.  No more diapers, less money, and they will be allowed to go to preschool and give you 4 hours of freedom each weekday next year. :-)  Then you actually reach the point where you go through potty training (accidents, pee on the floor, pee on clothes, pee on furniture, poop in panties...) and consider to yourself that maybe diapers are just easier and let's wait it out a bit.  But your child has decided that she no longer wants to wear diapers.  Panties is all she will go for during the day, so okay, here we go, we are all in.

We have had 4 successful pee-pees in the potty.  We have probably had 10 pee-pees and one poopies in underwear.  And that pee-pee makes its way on to the floor a bit and gets another pair of panties and clothes wet.  Sigh.  But we are moving on upward!  Aberly seems more interested in peeing in the potty than out of it, it's just a matter of catching her before she wets herself.  She has a knack of never needing to go when you ask or make her try, but then she will go 2 minutes before the next time you ask.  (I know all you seasoned parents are thinking, been there, done that!)

My next shopping trip will involve looking for some more panties for the rotation and maybe some of those plastic bloomers for the outside to prevent the pee from going on our carpet, the NEW carpet, mind you.  I don't really want to become "that" house that people walk in to and think, "It kinda smells like pee in here" and they would be exactly right. 

Hopefully, within the next few months she'll be trained and we'll have started a new chapter of toddler life.  And that will mean preschool and 4 hours of freedom next year for mom.  :-)  Oh, and freedom from expensive diapers.  Yeah, that too.

Here's a few pictures of our big girl, who also turned 2 a couple weeks ago!

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