Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday and beyond

June 23rd marked my 29th birthday and I had a great one.  My mother-in-law so graciously took Aberly overnight so Colin and I had the evening and night to ourselves.  I love Miss Aberly but a chance to just be a couple again was fabulous.

My birthday was followed up by a private tour at Willamette Valley Vineyards that I won last summer.  Mark and Kari Sue and Brian and Marina Kent joined us for a gorgeous day at the winery where we got a behind the scenes tour and private tasting upstairs.  We then took our lunch outside on the deck overlooking the valley in the sunshine.  It was a perfect day to be there.  Colin and I came home with a nice Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir.

As for our Miss Aberly, she is changing and growing like a weed.  We swear we can see differences in her abilities and demeanor on a weekly basis.  She is just shy of 18 lbs and that little body holds quite a growing personality.  She is "talking" all day long (ba, la, bwa, wa, ya, etc...) and lets us know when she is not happy or frustrated (angry yells and tears).   She loves trying to grab anything around her, especially things she shouldn't.  She still loves to sit on the floor and watch her world, but is also starting to enjoy being on her tummy and back more.  Just tonight she figured out how to roll from her back to tummy so hopefully she'll figure out how to move around a bit.  We know crawling is probably coming soon too.

Aberly is also becoming a big eater and put anything in her mouth that we offer.  The other night she chowed down on chicken pieces we gave her and yesterday she tried scrambled eggs and yogurt.  Her favorite finger foods are Honeynut Cheerios and Gerber fruit flavored puffs.

Overall, things are going great at the Price household and we are excited about the summer ahead and time together as a family.  Here are a few more cute parting shots.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Where is summer?

Well, summer made a small sneak-peak preview a few weeks ago, and since then, it's been rainy and windy.  It's been a valley-like spring here in Bend!  Oh well, as Colin says, "It helps reduce dress code violations at school".

Let's see, the last few weeks have been busy for us.  Colin has been working on his final master's packet for this semester (his last semester is this fall) and can't wait for summer break to have no teaching, no masters, and can just play with Aberly.  Work is going well for me and I am busy getting scheduling done for next year.  In the mornings, me and Aberly play, do chores, and she takes a nap.

Aberly is growing and we think she's hit around 18 lbs.  Her six month appointment is on June 11th, so we'll get the updates on her weight/length and she'll get vaccines.  That won't be fun...  Growing wise, Aberly has loves all her toys and while they still go in her mouth, she is learning to look, turn, and shake them.  She really enjoys a few plastic Easter eggs that I filled with different things that she can grab and shake.  She still likes strings and thin fabric toys to put in her mouth.

She recently added a new smile to her repetoire.  It mainly shows up for the camera.  She smiles hard and crunches up her nose.

Last weekend Aberly spent a fun day being watched by GeeGee Nancy, and then she and mom went to visit Grandpa and Grandma Schwartz while daddy stayed at home to work on his master's papers.  She was a bit stressed to be somewhere different so sleeping was an adventure, but she still had a lot of fun!  We also got to stop by and see Andrea Boucher and her two girls!

We feel so blessed to have such a happy, growing, alert, and smart little girl!  Here are a few last parting shots of our cutie pie!