Friday, November 27, 2009


It isn't until you have a baby that you find out poop is very important.  Like, how many times has she gone each day, what color is it, etc...  Poop became especially important for Aberly because she didn't feed very well the 2nd/3r day of life (latching issues) and so we've had to keep track of when she started pooping, peeing, and feeding to share with our lactation consultant at tomorrow's appointment.  Can't say it's been fun to track all that this week but we can say that Aberly is definitely on track now.  She's had 4 poops today and is eating great.

Besides poop, Aberly is a great baby.  She's overall very mellow and only cries when she's hungry or has a dirty diaper.  Once fed, changed, and dressed, she's ready to go and low key.  She's becoming more aware of the world around her and likes to spend time looking at whatever she can when awake and alert.  Sleeping is not a problem for her and she is on a pretty regular schedule already.  Feed, nap, be alert, feed, nap, etc...

Right now, Aberly is sitting on dad's lap and watching/listening to mom type this post.  She's also giving us an ever entertaining round of facial expressions, sneezes, and grunts.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcoming Aberly Grace Price

Aberly made her debut on November 21st, at 8:59 pm.  7 lbs, 14 ozs, and about 19 inches long.  She came out with a full head of dark hair, long nails, and everything perfect.  She is doing great so far and of course, the cutest baby in our opinion.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy 3rd to us!

Yesterday was a 3-year anniversary.  Knowing that Aberly could've come anytime, we laid low and decided not to go far.  Colin made us reservations at the restaurant where he proposed, which was very fun, and we had a really nice dinner.  He also bought me a beautiful bracelet even though the maternity photo shoot was supposed to be our anniversary gifts to each other.  He's a keeper!

Our most recent appointment went well.  I'm still at the same spot as before.  85% effaced and about 3 cm.  It's just a matter of time!  My midwife did sweep my membranes at the appointment to see if that would help get labor rolling, but no luck, at least so far.  If it's going to work, it normally occurs within 12 hours, so I'm not holding out hope that this point.

Today is Colin's last day of work so he's very excited.  He decided to take tomorrow off to finalize sub plans for after Thanksgiving and wrap up his master's program work.  I am still working tomorrow, but then I'll be on maternity leave as well.  We can't wait!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby gone wild.

Oh my goodness.  Aberly went crazy yesterday.  She was a moving machine.  My stomach is sore in some spots today from her persistent stretching, kicks, and rolls.  Luckily today she's been more quiet and serene, and not moving quiet as forcefully.

We are so happy tomorrow is Saturday and will be able to relax.  This week has been tiring!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rain, rain, don't go away

It's been a wonderful day off.  Thank you Veteran's!

Starting the celebration early, I made Colin breakfast in bed this morning and we lounged and watched TV to start off our day.  After getting ready, we enjoyed a quiet morning around the house.  Colin did some reading for his master's work and I did some random chores I'd been putting off.  There is something about an extra day off that makes those chores easier to do.  Maybe because it's not the weekend you are trying to savor...  The pre-birthday festivities will continue this evening as we are going out for dinner with our friends, Mark and Kari, and then we'll have yummy blackberry cobbler and ice cream for dessert back at home.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hoping for labor to kick in last night but no luck.  After so many Braxton Hicks contractions the past few days I was thinking something might be on its way.  Darn!  

Life is going well otherwise for me and Colin.  We're just taking each day at a time and trying to enjoy each one for what it is.  Thank goodness I feel so good and can still work because that makes time go by more quickly!

The fun event for the weekend was Colin's "man shower" on Saturday.  Colin's brothers, dad, and some friends all got together for dinner, beer, and games and had a great time.  I spent the evening hanging with two friends while our hubbies partied.  We had a great time as well!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Joy of all Joys

The Ducks lost to Stanford and the Beavers beat Cal.  Awesome Saturday.

But besides that, Saturday was also fun because we met with one of Colin's student's mom who is a doula.   She gave us some advice to prep for labor and some techniques to make it smoother.  Colin also learned some great massage styles to help with my pain.

No one is ever totally ready for labor, but we say "bring it on!"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I am 80% effaced, 1 cm dialated, and Aberly is in a zero station.  She is pretty much knocking on the door! Labor just needs to start :-)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Getting ready

This weekend was a lot of fun.  Friday night was spent with the Kents carving pumpkins and roasting seeds, and then we had friends over on Halloween night for dinner and games.

Sunday was the highlight as Colin and I had maternity shots done on Sunday.  The photographer was great and we found out through talking to her that she is a Christian lady and connected with three of our good friends through church or Young Life.  We were so happy we found her!  She did a great job and our shots should be ready for us on a CD in two weeks.

After that, I spent Sunday afternoon washing and folding all of the newborn clothes I have so they are ready for Aberly when she comes.  Yes, don't worry, I used Dreft!  The nursery is almost ready with a few final touches to be done.

These last few weeks ahead of us look long as we are ready for Aberly to be here now, but we're being as patient as possible and trying to savor the time together and with family and friends.  We so appreciate all the love and support we have from everyone!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

37 Weeks

New Blog

Okay, so I thought we'd try this out with Aberly coming any day now.  It'll be an easy way for friends and family to keep up with our life and Aberly's growth.