Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No Dairy Allergy!

After cutting my dairy for almost two weeks, we didn't see much change in Aberly.  I decided to start introducing small amounts back into my diet.  Some cookies with butter, cheese dip, etc...  and after two days, no effect on Aberly.

Overall, she is improving.  Although still a fuss budget, she is having more "fun" and "happy" time.  She is quite the smiler and coos at us.  We also are learning what helps to sooth her and are getting better at calming her when she gets fussy.  Sometimes nothing works so I resort to giving her a comfort feeding.

Our new adventure is getting her to nap.  Unless she's in the car, she won't really nap for more than 20 minute catnaps.  We know she is tired because we can get her to fall into the catnaps when holding her.  Tomorrow we are thinking of just putting her down at noon or 1, and letting her cry to sleep to see what happens.  Being 6 weeks, we think she's old enough to try this.

Here is our princess.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

It's been awhile since we've posted!  It's been a busy last couple of weeks preparing for Christmas.  Despite our bundle of joy keeping our hands occupied, we did manage to finish our Christmas shopping, decorating the house (minus a tree since we're at my parents' this year), and getting our Christmas card out.

Our Christmas was wonderful as we spent it with my parents and brother, as well as aunts/uncles/cousins/grandmother on Christmas Day.  My mom did an awesome job preparing the house and all the food for the day!  The housefull of people was a blessing and everyone enjoyed meeting Miss Aberly.

Aberly continues to be up and down and we're doing our best to adapt to her "strong" and fussy personality.  She does have her good times, but her fussiness still outweighs that right now.  At this point, we're not sure dairy really is the culprit since her fussiness hasn't greatly improved with me being on the dairy-free diet.  I'll do my best to stick with it for another week or so until her 6-week appointment where I can check in with the pediatrician and show her what my diet has been and how Aberly has been in correlation each day.

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No dairy...

After becoming increasingly fussy and crying all the time, I took Aberly into the pediatrician.  After hearing what I had to say and looking her over, our doctor thinks she is intolerant to cow's milk proteins, which causes her stomach pain and irritation.  So, to alleviate the problem (if that really is the case), I get to stop eating all dairy so she doesn't get it through my breastmilk.  It's been another major adjustment but I'm getting there.

So far, she seems to be doing better each day.  The doctor said it will take 3-4 days to see the turn around since it will take some time for my body to "clear out" the proteins in my system/milk.  Today is day 2 of the test.

Besides that, we are doing well and continuing to adjust to having a newborn.  It's been emotionally and mentally trying at times but we are getting the hang of it!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Every day is a new day

We are quickly learning that even after a couple days of a "schedule", Aberly can throw us a twist and have a fussy, non-schedule day.  Today she woke up, fed, and immediately went back to sleep (she usually is up for a couple hours after feeding).  She has also been pretty much "on me" all morning, which is tiring for mom!  She has finally calmed a bit and is sitting with Colin, but it's only working with the help of white noise and a pacifier.

At least the last two days have been nice.  She was very happy and fun!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Calming effects

Thank you to the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block".  It has great advice for soothing your fussy baby (after all other basic needs are taken care of)!  Aberly has had a much better day and been pretty fun all day.  Well, the morning was rough but the afternoon and evening were great!  She has totally taken to a pacifier and enjoys hanging out in the front pack.  Happy baby!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bath time

  In bed with mom and dad


No one can prepare you for the level of exhaustion new parents experience with a newborn.  It's a kind of tired that you only understand once you get it.  Last night I was a walking zombie, and luckily, Colin's mom was available to come over and watch Aberly while I slept and he graded (tons to do for the end of the term).  Today I am feeling much better, but despite an easy day with her so far, I am still a bit tired.  How does that happen???

Besides being tired, we are doing well and doing our best to attack each day as it comes.  We are ready for her to be older, but we know we have to be patient and get thru this trying time.  We look forward to when she's no longer a newborn!

Aberly continues to grow.  A friend commented to me today that Aberly doesn't look like a "newborn" so much anymore and is filling out.  Her features are becoming more defined.  At her last appointment, she was back at birth weight, so we look forward to her next appointment on Tuesday to find out where she is now.

Colin says this picture looks like she is saying "touchdown!".