Saturday, March 27, 2010

Let's see, what's new...

-  Aberly had her 4-month check up and vaccinations.  She weighs 14 lbs, 4 ounces and is 24 1/2 inches long.  She's right in the 60th percentile!  The doctor says she looks great!
-  We started giving her rice cereal.  She isn't enjoying it off the spoon, but she did better tonight.  A few bites got down!  The rest we put in her evening bottle to help her sleep longer.
-  Aberly stayed a night with Grandpa and Grandma Schwartz while mom and dad got away for a quick overnight at the beach.  She did well!
-  Aberly took in the theater by watching a play put on my GeeGee Nancy's 2nd/3rd grade class.
-  Aberly is rolling over with ease!  (front to back)
-  Aberly is very much into fabrics and her hands right now.  They are in her mouth all the time!
-  Aberly is talking/shrieking/chirping a lot.
-  Aberly is laughing!

Monday, March 15, 2010


I love my piggie!
Picture perfect
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Schwartz!

Sick again!

What a way to end last week.  Aberly picked up a stomach bug from somewhere and ended up throwing up three times and had diarrhea twice.  The funny thing was that you wouldn't have known she was sick by the way she acted.  She was happy as a clam!  Except when she threw up, of course.  Luckily, a few hours of pedialyte and some diluted formula and she was back on track that evening.  Unfortunately, she passed it on to me and then to Colin.  We didn't have it quite as easy.

Besides that, she is becoming such a fun girl!  She can roll over on to her back consistently now and loves chewing on her hands.  She is also starting to push nap time a bit and stay up longer.

As for me and Colin, we are just plugging along with work.  I am still enjoying my half days and Colin is really enjoying work now that his student teacher is taking over two classes spring term, which will really lighten his load.  This is great because he has his 20 page critical paper due in a few weeks for his masters and less grading equals more time and less stress so he can concentrate on that!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm a big girl now!

What a surprise to step on the scale with Aberly the other night and discover that she weighed 13.2 pounds!  Somebody hit a growth spurt!

Besides growing physically, she is growing in personality and ability.  Here are some new tricks and achievements:

-  Loving her hands and sucks on them all the time.
-  Enjoys being carried on my hip or looking over my shoulder.
-  Sitting for longer periods of times in her bouncer watching us.
-  Lots of talking and cooing.
-  Grunting!  And not just when she's pooping!
-  Trying to sit up from a reclined position.  She lifts her head and chest up.
-  Loves watching us play peek-a-boo.
-  Grabbing/feeling her head and hair.
-  Loves being held in front of the mirror and having mom or dad dip her unexpectedly.
-  Loves being held in from of the mirror and being zoomed in and out from it.
-  Waking up without crying!  Just coos and grunts till you get her.

It's been amazing to watch her change so much in the last couple of weeks!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Back to Work!

The date finally came and I headed back to work today.  I'm working noon-3:45 Monday through Friday.  I'm not going to lie; it's such a nice break during the day for me!  As much as I love Miss Aberly, time away with friends and coworkers is so helpful!  I still have special time with her in the mornings and we get to have fun with her in the evenings together.

While I'm at work, Aberly spends her time with a wonderful family from our church who have in-home daycare.  She is in great hands and had a pretty good first day.  Unfortunately, she was exhausted when she got there, so she screamed her lungs out as I dropped her off, but they said after eating and a long nap she did just fine.  I'm sure after being there a few more days, she'll enjoy her time more and more as she becomes comfortable with them.

Just for giggles, here's a funny face we captured the other night!