Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Port Townsend Vacation!

Well, I'm not sure if you can totally call it a vacation.  We're here in Port Townsend because of Colin's residency week for his masters.  He normally comes alone but since it's summer break, we thought, "What the heck?  Why don't we make it a family affair?"

Luckily, Colin's isn't busy all day, so we have time to do things as a family.  He normally has meetings/sessions in the morning, and then one in the afternoon or early evening.  Between sessions, we have hit the beach, hiked and explored the bunkers, and shopped downtown (well, I have done that, primarily).

We are staying in a great studio "cottage" in a large home right across the street from Fort Worden park where Colin has his meetings.  A bit small, but it's a great deal and perfect location.  Aberly's bed is tucked in the "hallway" (pretty much a 3 x 4 space) between the main room and the bathroom.  It works perfectly since we can close both doors and she can sleep without distraction.  Slipping by her at night when we need to use the bathroom is careful event, but we manage.

While on vacation, Aberly figured out how to crawl.  We knew she was close but the 2nd day of being here, she figured it out and is continuing to expand her movement.  She's still a bit hesitant and seems to get tired of having to do it, but overall, it's broadened her horizons for sure!

On our way up, we stopped by my aunt Kathy and uncle Gary's place in Gresham so family could see Aberly.  She was a bit vary of the new faces, but got comfortable after a half hour and played till we left.  

1 comment:

  1. Fun times ! I'm so glad you all went north. No more putting little Aberly on a bed to play by herself . Even on a blanket will be tenuous; she'll bear watching. Grand times a head with a crawler. Such a good deal.
