Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Toddler

My mother-in-law made the comment tonight that we no longer have a baby, we have a toddler.  She is very right.  I knew it was true, but to have someone else say it made it more of a reality.

Aberly woke up a few days ago a different little girl.  If you are a parent, you understand this.  You can't describe it, you just KNOW they are different.  They have more abilities, they understand more, they are more grown up, they are just more. 

Aberly's vocabulary grows and grows and she is very good at trying to copy a lot of what we say.  She just picked up "cheek" and loves to point them out on our faces all the time as she burns it into her knowledge base.  Some of her fun new ones are milk, nukkers, blankie, dumbo, truck, car, house, owie, push, helmet, meat, outside, inside, treat, cookie, cracker, almost, and brush.

She has figured out how to open all doors (which allowed her to slip out my friend's sliding door today out around their pool while we talked today!), how to ride her trike, how to jump, run, play chase, and play in her sandbox.  She is also becoming a lot more adventurous and strong, which allowed her to pull over a propped door against the wall on herself (it was off it's hinges due to a refrigerator being moved) and got a big scare and egg on her forehead when it fell on her.  Don't worry, she is okay.

As for me and Colin, we are continuing to try to keep up with her along with prepping for our move.  She keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing.  She is quite a little ham.  We are very lucky parents.

 Pretending to sleep
 Hi Mom!
 Family picture on a hike at Tumalo Falls in Bend.
 Walking by herself like a big girl.
 Lunch break! Happy hiker!
 Getting help from Uncle Connor on the way down.
Coming out to "help" dad after her bath. 

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