Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to Make Christmas Cookies- by Aberly

Making Christmas sugar cookies is pretty fun.  This year, my Mommy let me help and I want to show you how easy it is, and give you some tips too!

1.  Roll the dough.  I recommend that you have your mommy make it the night before cause then you won't have to bug her all day long waiting for the dough to cool in the fridge.  It'll just be ready for you!

2.  Start using the cookie cutters to make your shapes.  See, easy-peasy!

3.  Once they are all ready, time to show them off and admire your work before they go in the oven.  Make sure to be proud, but humble too.  You don't want to make everyone think you believe you are a master in the kitchen, even if you are.

4.  Once the cookies have cooked and cooled (have mom do this while you go off and play, again, so you don't have to bug her and don't have to hear "be patient" repeatedly), come back for decorating!  Frosting is pretty much the best thing ever.  Dig in and don't be shy!  Don't even worry about how good it looks.  This is about taste and frosting makes the sugar cookie! 

5.  Take a bite before they can stop you and don't even ask.  Otherwise, you know you'll be having to force down you "five bites" of dinner "if you want a treat".

Next week, I'll tell you how to help you dad make hot sauce!  P.S.  Just help, don't dig in unless you want to run around the house with your mouth on fire (no, don't worry, I didn't make that mistake).  Remember, I'm a master in the kitchen!

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