Thursday, May 30, 2013

Update on me and a crazy doctor's visit! - By Emalyn

I'm almost 2 months old!  I can now give out huge smiles to people and coo to talk.  My neck is getting strong and I love to look around.  Sometimes I love to sleep, other times, not so much.  I like to keep mom and dad guessing how my naps will go each day, but I do sleep pretty well at night.  I also love to eat and mom is sure I am 11 lbs by now.  I was 10.5 a week ago when I was weighed at the doctor's.

Speaking of the doctor's, why we went there was a new crazy!  When I was about 4 weeks, my mommy noticed I had a firm bump on my arm and it kept getting bigger.  After about a week, it got a white head so mommy popped it (I didn't like it!) and a bunch of stuff came out.  Mommy said it was like a huge zit!  Mommy kept it clean and tried to hep it get better with hydrogen peroxide and triple antibiotic cream.  It got smaller but then would get stuff in it again.  After two weeks of it just not going away, she took me to the doctor and we got some unexpected information.

Here in Oman, they give the tuberculosis vaccine!  The "zit" is what happens at the injection site when the vaccine "takes" in the body.  It's totally normal and it will take a few more months to totally heal.  Well, it won't totally heal.  I'll always have a small scar there.  And the doctor said I need to always keep my vaccination records with me cause if I'm ever tested for TB I'll show positive and will need to be able to prove I don't actually have TB. 

The doctor apologized and said he's been reminding the nurses over and over to make sure to tell expats about the vaccine so we know what will happen.  We aren't the only ones who have come in worried about a weird bump!

Here are a few pictures of me so you can see how I've grown.

I love sleeping on daddy

My big sister loves me so much but I don't really like her holding me.  I'd rather just watch her.


Coy smile
Big smile!

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