Monday, November 15, 2010

What happened to the last two months?

Oh my goodness.  My mom reminded me the other day that I hadn't updated my blog in awhile.  I was like, "Oh, I know.  It's been crazy".  I didn't realized how outdated it was.  I don't know what happened to the last few months.  They have flown by.

Well, first we'll get the boring "adult" news out of the way. 

I am back to work!  I found a part time job at Fincham Financial Group (they do New York Life Insurance primarily) working in the office.  I do Mon/Tues/Thursday 11-4 and Friday 11-5.  Twenty one hours all together and a day off midweek to be home with Aberly.  It's been a weird transition back to the working world and I admit I got used to being a stay-at-home mom, but bills call and we aren't quite in a place for me to be home full time.  That day will come!

Colin's big news is finishing his program!  After a long haul through summer and this fall, he has finished his manuscript and been granted approval for graduation.  He is so excited and thankful to be done.  Most of his evenings and weekends were taken up with writing and he was getting very burned out.  Aberly and I missed him too! 

Now the fun news!

Aberly is almost 1 years old and already turning into a little girl.  She has lost her baby look and now toddles around like a champ.  She picked up walking at 11 months and never looked back to crawling.  It is so fun to watch her interact with, learn about, and understand the world around her.  She hasn't learned any words yet besides "mama" but babbles all day long and yells at us when unhappy.   We often have her underfoot, trying to get out attention (she isn't quite an independent player yet). 

Her two bottom teeth are full in  and her top two teeth have just broken through.  This has made for some grumpy days and not so great nights of sleep but we're pushing through and know there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We've heard it gets easier after the first four teeth.  We hope that is true.

Here are some pictures of our love!
 Aberly got food in her hair so we had some fun with it!
 Go Beavers!
 Aberly loves pulling books off her shelf!
 Cutie pie with her bottom teeth!

 Halloween is coming!
 Pumpkin patch!
 Aberly loves bathtime.
 Halloween outfit.

Our Halloween ballerina.

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