Monday, September 9, 2013

New realm of "Parentdom"

Tonight we are going to our first ever “Back-to-School Information Night” for parents.  Granted it’s for preschool, but still!   It makes me feel more grown up.  Not like I didn’t already consider myself "grown up", but it’s a new grown up feeling.   

We are no longer newbie parents.  It’s like we’ve become seasoned parents, or something like that.   It’s kinda weird.  I can’t totally described the feeling, but we’ve entered a new world of parentdom.  A parentdom that says, "My kid is involved in the world outside the home.  I have become immersed in the world of backpacks, packed snacks/lunches, buses, art projects, home notes, and school events.  My social life centers around my kid's friend's parents, playdates, and Facebook (cause that's how I spend time with my adult friends).   I worry more about what my kid looks like going to school each day than myself.  My life is really run by my kid, not me."

But it's a good feeling, even though a weird one.  And hey, what parent can't admit that at moments, they resent the fact that their life is run by their kids?  But in the end, it's all worth it and the rest of the time, we love our kid-run life.  Well, maybe love is too strong, but you know.


  1. preschool in Oman! Can't wait to hear all about it :-)

  2. It is pretty much the same curriculum since we are an America. School, nut the ethnicity ranges for sure in the students and teachers! They all speak English but are from all over the world. Definitely cool for Aberly growing up and her world view!
