Sunday, December 6, 2009


No one can prepare you for the level of exhaustion new parents experience with a newborn.  It's a kind of tired that you only understand once you get it.  Last night I was a walking zombie, and luckily, Colin's mom was available to come over and watch Aberly while I slept and he graded (tons to do for the end of the term).  Today I am feeling much better, but despite an easy day with her so far, I am still a bit tired.  How does that happen???

Besides being tired, we are doing well and doing our best to attack each day as it comes.  We are ready for her to be older, but we know we have to be patient and get thru this trying time.  We look forward to when she's no longer a newborn!

Aberly continues to grow.  A friend commented to me today that Aberly doesn't look like a "newborn" so much anymore and is filling out.  Her features are becoming more defined.  At her last appointment, she was back at birth weight, so we look forward to her next appointment on Tuesday to find out where she is now.

Colin says this picture looks like she is saying "touchdown!".

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely precious Aberly !! Do savor the days, exhausting though they are. Once she's rolling, scooting, walking, and yelling 'NO ! ' you'll pine for the days she was easily transportable and had no words. : ) Exhaustion ? SO TRUE ! Nothing and no one can prepare you for the reality of parenthood. I cannot wait to see you all at Christmas !!
