Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No dairy...

After becoming increasingly fussy and crying all the time, I took Aberly into the pediatrician.  After hearing what I had to say and looking her over, our doctor thinks she is intolerant to cow's milk proteins, which causes her stomach pain and irritation.  So, to alleviate the problem (if that really is the case), I get to stop eating all dairy so she doesn't get it through my breastmilk.  It's been another major adjustment but I'm getting there.

So far, she seems to be doing better each day.  The doctor said it will take 3-4 days to see the turn around since it will take some time for my body to "clear out" the proteins in my system/milk.  Today is day 2 of the test.

Besides that, we are doing well and continuing to adjust to having a newborn.  It's been emotionally and mentally trying at times but we are getting the hang of it!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet baby girl. Aberly looks just like daddy in this picture. I can't wait to se her !
