Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall Blues followup and other goings-on

I think God read my last blog entry this morning because Fall was blessed upon me this afternoon and evening.

After a bright and sunny start to our day, we all woke up from an afternoon nap to an overcast sky.  Not dark and gray, but at least cloudy.  It was a nice break from the bright sun.  We headed down to the store to get a few things we needed. 

The store is called Sultan Center.  It's a pretty "Western" store and carries a lot of familiar products to the US eye.  Although it's a bit more expensive in general, it's a good place to shop a few times a month because it occasionally offers great and crazy deals.  As one example, a $25 retail garden hat line from the UK priced at about $2.60 US.  Anyways, we went upstairs to get the non-food items and then came downstairs for the food.  I immediately perused the "deal" shelf and got my first Fall gift.  There, in front of me, for only 1 rials ($2.60), was TAZO chai tea concentrate.  Those boxes of liquid concentrate cost more in the States!   And TAZO being from Portland, it was like a double gift from home.  I put four in my cart.  I LOVE chai drinks and they are so "fall" to me.

As we approached the check out line, I noticed it was super hazy outside, indicating a dust storm had blown through.  Sure enough, we stepped outside to strong winds, but luckily, the dust had settled.  As we drove home, we noted the increasing clouds.  We joked it might rain.  Aberly asked if a storm was coming.  "No, just the wind" we told her.  Well, she was right in the end.  As we drove up to our house, rain was starting to come down, but just sprinkles.  Off in the distance, a few flashes of lightening here and there.  Within a half hour, we watched the sky darken, the rain fall even more, the wind picked up again (and this time it was colder), and the lightening raced across the sky, followed by monstrous rumbles.  Hello Fall storm!  Gift number two.

So, God does listen to His people, even the little things.  And even when you don't pray for it.  :-)

Other goings-on:
1.  Scorpion sighting in our driveway:  Our neighbors found it and promptly killed it.  Me = freaked out for the safety of my child.  Aberly has been shown the dead scorpion (she was totally unnerved and scared by it) and knows to never touch them, run away, and come tell us.  I would totally buy an scorpion anti-venom kit for home if I could!

2.  Baby moving!  Baby Price is big enough now (about 15 weeks) that I can feel him/her moving around.  Fun stuff.

3.  The Beavers are having a great football season and we are missing it!  We wish we could be tailgating with our fellow fans!

4.  I am coaching middle school volleyball with another co-worker.  It's hilarious.  If you've ever coached an elementary or middle school sport, you know how awkward some of the kids are.  It's great.

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