Friday, October 5, 2012


It's been the best Friday (like your Sunday in the states) we've had in awhile.  Usually Fridays hit and after a busy Thursday, we are drained, uninspired, and Aberly tends to drive us nuts.  For some reason, today was just the opposite. 

After a breakfast of pancakes and eggs, Aberly and I headed outside again (she had already played outside with daddy before breakfast while I slept in) and found Marin and Ian outside.  The girls took to jumping on the trampoline (a serious perk to living next door to the Rauks) as Ian ran around buck naked to air out his diaper rash.  Since Ian does not get the privilege of being in the trampoline very long with two very bouncy girls, I decided he would enjoy some naked pool time in our kiddie pool.  Turns out that the nights here aren't so warm anymore (well, relative to here) and the pool was actually a bit chilly.  Still, he loved it and started trying to bend over and drink from the pool which was highly amusing seeing he is still a bit wobbly at just over a year.  I suggested the girls join him and in the blink of an eye they were in their birthday suits and all splashing around (well, Ian being splashed and his reactions giving me some good chuckles).  I have a great video of the action.  The girls proceeded to head inside after the almost two hours outdoors and played until lunch time.

Meanwhile, Colin is enjoying rarely experienced alone and quiet time for longer than a half hour.

After lunch, Aberly and mommy fell asleep on the couches.  Izzy woke us up briefly wanting to play, but we assured her Aberly could play later (Aberly actually chose to "rest more" than play).  Upstairs she went with Daddy to lay on our bed with him so I could sleep in peace downstairs.  She konked right back out and we slept for at least an hour and a half. 

Colin is in serious heaven having again, rarely experience alone and quiet time for longer than a half hour, and this is now over three hours of it.

After our naps, Aberly hit the outdoors again and found Izzy for some playtime.  I decided to actually get dressed at this point (like 3:00 PM) and go to Sultan Center to pick up some groceries that can be harder to be found at LuLu's (what you ask?  Tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, black beans...).  I finally remembered to buy two new hotpads in the nick of time since our only one at home was falling a pat.  You know how you'll have something you know you need to buy but you NEVER find it possible to remember when you are at the store and SOMEHOW you can't remember to put it on your shopping list?  That was the hotpads for me.  Part of the problem was that the actual good kind (not just the typical thin, not that great at actually blocking heat kind) are only at Sultan Center for some reason. 

Upon return, I found the girls on the trampoline again, in swimsuits, and playing away.  Colin quietly monitoring and chatting with Kelly and Luther outside.  I made dinner, we ate dinner, we read books, and then Aberly and daddy went upstairs to head to bed.  Well, Colin went up to lay with Aberly which sometimes helps her sleep and he proceeded to fall asleep instantly.  She came down to let me know after five minutes.  Luckily it didn't take much persuading to get her back up there and asleep.  They are still up there sleeping together. 

I have been watching Project Runway and savoring my quiet time, still quite amazed at the relaxing, easy, low-key day we had.  I am not ready to head back to work tomorrow but at least it's an inservice day and won't be too busy.  I'll figure out our menu for the week and prepare my grocery list.  Maybe I'll blog again.  My mother-in-law was just here and we have fun tales and photos from her visit but I need to get them uploaded before I can post about it.  That goes on the to-do list! 

Till then, have a happy rest of your week!

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