Friday, October 12, 2012

GeeGee's visit

Sitting down to blog is a nice reprieve after about going cross-eyed looking at IKEA instructions and tiny screws and the lot this weekend.  Five of six furniture items are done.  The last bedside table for our room would be easy to finish if it were not for a small child who wants to sleep in our bed tonight.  I'll admit I've taken the easy stuff.  Colin tackled our dresser and the guest wardrobe over the weekend.  They were two big projects but we are both thankful to have them done.  We can now officially move Colin out of a suitcase with the extra dresser space and all of our linens can go into the wardrobe in the guest room instead of in our bedroom.  The small joys and triumphs of life.

Anyways, on to the actual blog subject at hand.  We were excited to have GeeGee (i.e. Nancy) come visit us for 5 days about a week ago, and none more thrilled than Aberly.  I'm not sure if Aberly quite grasps that Nancy is related to her.  She will say, "that's my friend GeeGee!".  I can understand why, though.  Nancy plays with her all day long, just like a friend would.  I don't know where she gets her stores of energy for Aberly, but they play and play and play.  Aberly is in friend heaven.  Colin and I feel like cruddy parents when Nancy is around cause she makes playing with Aberly a total treat, while we dread the moments Aberly requests to play.  Nancy (and my parents) kindly make the point that it's a lot easier and fun to play with your grandchild than your own child, since you don't see them very often, but I still kinda feel like crud. 

While Nancy was here (besides all the playing time), she and I stepped out for some shopping therapy at the local mall where we both stocked up on some more holiday candles on sale at Bath and Body Works, and enjoy a pedi (Nancy) and massage (me) a few days later.  We all headed to the Shangri-la resort on the weekend to let Aberly play in the indoor park (her favorite) and have some beach time.  We had hoped to get a little more touring in with Nancy, but since it was our work week (she was on a Hindu holiday break in India) we both were gone all day and there isn't as much to do in the evening.  Next visit!

Here are some great photos from the Shangri-la day during Nancy's visit.  :-)

 Okay, Nancy, sorry, I know you'll hate this picture of yourself but it's great cause it shows the exact feeling between adult (first time) and child rider.  Aberly, thrilled and ready to go again.  Adult, "holy crap, that was faster than I thought and I thought we were going to careen off the end!"
 After a few rides, both participants are having a great time!
 Walking the rope bridge
 This ball pit is at the bottom of one of those "big drop" slides which I am still amazed our child will do with no fear.
 Building castles on the beach
Our beautiful castle (which Aberly was thrilled to smash before we left)

Come again soon, GeeGee! 

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