Tuesday, January 22, 2013

29 weeks!

Hello Trimester 3!  It's hard to believe it's already here and that I am in the home stretch of things.  This school year has flown by and April is just around the corner.  As much as we have started to get things for Baby, I am also realizing how much we haven't done.  Newborn clothes, towels, pacifiers....  Time to get on it!  I've been lucky to acquire some of the "big" things already, but I need the day to day supplies for sure.  My mom and dad will bring all of the 0-3 months things we saved from Aberly when they come in April (flying in right at my due date), but if Baby Girl comes early, she won't have much at all.

I spent some time this afternoon reading through the first year of my blog.  It's weird to read our feelings as new parents and all the things we anticipated, experienced, and how we viewed it all.  It's definitely different with your second and I'm curious to see how things will go this time.  I know it will be very different with a 3-1/2 year old!  As excited as Aberly is and I know she will want to be a big helper, I know she is going to struggle with the change and lack of attention for awhile.  She is not a "solo player" now and is constantly asking us if we want to play in her playroom with her.  I'm not quite sure how she'll handle many more "no's" about playing with her when Emalyn is up and needing our attention.

As for me, I am feeling pretty good still, but the heartburn has increased and I know with a few more weeks of growth, the physical discomfort will probably settle in.  Here is my week 28 belly.  When comparing it to my belly at week 28 with Aberly, I'm actually really similar in size.  Just a tad bigger.  Amazing how my body has treated the pregnancies so similarly.

Pregnant with Aberly                                                     This pregnancy

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