Monday, January 21, 2013

Hobbies and Colin's new "drug of choice"

When you become a parent, unless you are diligent and have accommodating children (when does that happen?), your hobbies and interests slowly fade away.  Between demanding babies/toddlers, chores, store runs, feedings, and the like, time for "fun" becomes slim to none.  Hobbies wait on the backburner, hoping for their once-in-a-blue-moon chance for action.  Colin will also tell you marriage and parenthood tends to be a killer for keeping up with music and bands, but that is another story.

Once your kids hit a certain age though, 3+ seems to be pretty good, it becomes easier to find time for things again.  No longer do you feel abandoned and hold it against your spouse when they leave you alone with your child for part of the day.  If you are lucky, you have a mutual hobby or at least can do some of the things together.  Colin and I don't really have mutual hobbies (wine tasting is about the only one and vineyards and good wine isn't synonymous with Oman) so we hope to find things we can still do together as a family, or at least give each other time here or there to pursue our interests (P.S.  Mine is time to relax with a pedicure at the moment). 

Colin loves outdoor activities and would ideally be out backpacking or hiking each weekend.  He recently discovered his new drug of choice, which is rock climbing.  One trip out with a group of friends here and I found us buying new rock climbing shoes while in Dubai, and he has acquired a few hand-me-down supplies for the rest.  He is already looking at supplies to buy when home this summer with the gift card from his dad. 

Although I am not as interested in this hobby (and being 7 months pregnant prevents me from finding out if I would be at the moment), I do find it a good opportunity to get out as a family since some of the locations here are in beautiful areas outside of town.  Last weekend, we made it a family outing with our friends, Dan and Laura, and their two kids, Finn and Isla (Aberly's bestie).  After a somewhat tense hike along a rocky hillside with two 3-year olds (by the way, they did great) to get to the dry river bed canyon, the kids played while I watched and explored the canyon floor and Colin, Dan, and Laura climbed.  We had a great time, besides Aberly being a bit grumpy and tired at the end, and I hope it's something we can continue doing together as a family (Sadly, with Baby Girl arriving in a few months, Colin's new hobby may have to go on the backburner again for just awhile, but we hope she will be an easy baby and up for adventure!).

 The dry canyon we were in.  Someone commented to me how this looked like "snake country" to them.  I realized I wasn't sure about Oman's "snake population" and curious how many snakes are in the area.  Turns out while there are some vipers in Oman, most snakes are harmless here and snake bites reported each year are between 100-200.  The deadliest snake here in the Sea Snake.  Thrilling.
 The kids playing and digging in the pebbles.  Finn did some climbing on the rock walls, but the rest of the time they enjoyed climbing on the big boulders.
 Colin makes his way up.
 Aberly's "rock climbing"
  Another couple views of the canyon
 Aberly and Isla looking cute as usual.
The glowing pregnant lady holding down the fort at the bottom.  It was cold in the canyon since the sun couldn't make it over the cliff walls, if you are wondering, which is why I am wearing Colin's pullover.  And no, I didn't forget my pullover, my stomach is big enough now that mine don't fit.  Sigh.

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