Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting places

Getting places in Oman isn't always easy.  In the US, if there in an exit, there is usually an on-ramp going the opposite way.  i.e, if you mess up your directions, you can exit, and turn right around.  Not so easy in Oman.

If you exit one place, you most likely cannot go across an overpass and go back the other way.  You may need to go another mile or more to find one.  And if you do, then you'll have to drive 4 miles the other way to get back to another exit that has a ramp to go back. 

Case and point.  We headed to our middle school principal's home tonight for dinner with him and his wife.  They told us to watch for two "exits" (reality, small side roads off the highway) that could take us to their house.  We missed them both, somehow.  Well, we had to continue to drive another 2 miles to get to the airport exit, which luckily, had a highway on-ramp going back the other way, BUT, we had to go past both exits we missed (because there weren't exits on the opposite side of the road) and get back to another freeway on/off ramp where it would turn us back around.   Here is a rough sketch I made of our trip (not to scale).

Most places are like this in Oman.  It's not just the highways.  In town, you may have one ways and medians everywhere that prevent you from easily turning around.  We have a lot to learn and need to limit our mistakes! :-)

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