Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"It isn't the same without you"

The first pangs of homesickness hit me at the start of this week.  Not the "I want to move back home now" kind, but the "I miss this stuff" kind. 

The first few days of this week I was in a bit of a funk and tired and I didn't realize that was the issue.  I kept thinking, "I'm going to bed on time, I'm eating normally, our days are the same...what is going on?"  After some thought and being on Facebook, it hit me. 

On Saturday night, we finally got a chance to talk to our best friends back home via Skype.  Why we hadn't before is a mystery, but we finally did, and it was a good half hour or more.  I was excited to share what we were doing and hear about what they were doing.  All kinds of fun Fall things were going on that I would normally be a part of.  At one point, my friend told me "It isn't the same without you".  It was sweet, I was blessed, but it stuck with me in the back of my head.  After that conversation, I saw lots of my friends posting on Facebook the next few days about all the fun Fall things they were doing.  Pumpkin patches, Harvest parties, beautiful drives over the pass with the changing leaves, cool-sweater-wearing weather, etc..., etc...  

A little part of me was so sad inside.  I can't do those things here, and I don't have my usual friends here that I would do those things with.  I realized how much I missed that.  I miss the changing seasons, I miss bright orange and red leaves on trees, I miss the cool weather and dark clouds blowing through, I miss those Fall traditions, I miss pumpkin patches, I miss people.  The "I miss this stuff" homesickness.

The good news is is that what I'm experiencing is totally normal and I expected it, but maybe I didn't expect it so soon.  I figured Thanksgiving would be the time.  A more major holiday, I guess.  The other good news is that despite no "fall" here, the families do their best to re-create what they can.  On Halloween, the on-campus housing has trick-or-treating for the kids (I'm so thankful I brought Aberly a costume and her trick-or-treat bag my mom bought on clearance last year).   Apparently some of the local stores get pumpkins, or squash similar to them, in and people get together to carve pumpkins.  Will it be the same as at home?  No, definitely not, but I'm thankful for what I will get.

And in the end, it only last for a few days.  I know it will come back.  I expect it will be harder at Thanksgiving.  But, the good thing is that I have so many other wonderful things here and I know it's not permanent.  It's not like I'll never get to experience all those things again at home.  And I am surrounded by wonderful people and a wonderful husband and child, so my blessings are many.  

Speaking of blessings, I know everyone back at home doesn't get to do this on weekday morning while I can!  This is one good thing about the weather not changing to Fall!

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